Sabtu, 27 September 2014


Day/Date     :Thursday,September 25,2014
Class          : 9A

           This day,Mr.Budi doesn`t coming to his lesson in my class again. So, in the morning he went to my class and he had a permission.then,he give the Assignment to class leader,and the Assignment must distributed to classmate.and he ask we to working the Assignment in his English lesson in the class.And we must gather in this day,in the class leader and class leader must gather the Assigment in the Mr.Budi table.then Mr.Budi go out from my class.
       In the English lesson I and my classmate working the Assignment, then we finish the Assignment.Bell is make a noise I and my classmate gather the Assignment in class leader.
    I don`t understand the last question of the Assignment,because the question is difficult to,I working the last question of the Assignment with my classmate.then we gather the Assignment.

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